On My Wishlist #7


On My Wishlist is a fun weekly event hosted by Book Chick City and runs every Saturday. It’s a meme where participants list books they want but haven’t actually bought yet. They can be old, new or forthcoming.

Among Thieves: A Tale of the Kin by Douglas Hulick Among Thieves by Douglas HulickDrothe has been a member of the Kin for years, rubbing elbows with thieves and murderers in the employ of a crime lord while smuggling relics on the side. But when an ancient book falls into his hands, Drothe finds himself in possession of a relic capable of bringing down emperors-a relic everyone in the underworld would kill to obtain.

Bless the Beauty (Special Agent Fang, #1) by Stacey Kennedy Bless the Beauty by Stacey KennedyHadley Sloan and Chase Finley might be Special Agents within the Criminal Investigations Department, but what their comrades don’t know is, they’re in love or that Hadley is a vampire. Soon, Hadley’s personal life is uprooted and she is left with even more of a mess on her hands when Kellen Boyd, her vampire husband returns to sink his fangs back into her life. Hadley must juggle the two men in her life, keep her secret hidden, and locate several missing women before it’s too late…

About April

I'm a librarian, reader, and writer whose main goal in life is to be able to swim in books the way Scrooge McDuck swims in money. Although my reading choices will always be wildly eclectic and I never plan on leaving any genre unexplored, my favorite reads tend to be Fantasy, Young Adult, Science Fiction, Gay Romance, or Historical Fiction. You can e-mail me at inspector[dot]librarian[at]gmail[dot]com.
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5 Responses to On My Wishlist #7

  1. Noel R. says:

    Oooh! Among Thieves sounds super interesting. =D

  2. the witch of theatregoing says:

    Mm, I’m not usually one for the paranormal romance genre (outside of the reach of YA) but I think I just might give these a try. 😀

  3. Oooo, these are new books to me. Sounds really good too! I love visiting posts like this. I really get to see so many new book ideas. 🙂 Thanks!

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